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Balloon Sinuplasty

Balloons are not just for kids: Unblock sinuses with balloon sinusplasty

Chronic sinusitis (swollen, inflamed sinus tissue) isn’t just inconvenient. It can be debilitating, keeping you from doing the things you love with the people you love. But you don’t have to keep suffering. At West Jefferson Medical Center, we offer cutting-edge solutions like balloon sinuplasty to bring you much-needed relief and restore your sinus health.

What is a balloon sinusplasty?

Balloon sinuplasty is a revolutionary, minimally invasive procedure designed to treat chronic sinusitis. Unlike traditional sinus surgery, a small balloon is used to unblock your sinuses, allowing for better airflow and drainage.

How does balloon sinusplasty work?

This innovative procedure uses a thin, flexible tube (catheter) to insert a small balloon into the blocked sinus passage. Once in place, the balloon is gently inflated to widen the narrowed passage. The balloon is then deflated and removed, leaving the sinus passage open and allowing normal mucus drainage.

Benefits of balloon sinusplasty

Balloon sinuplasty is straightforward and highly effective, with many patient benefits:

  • Long-lasting results — significant improvement in sinus health for months and even years after the procedure
  • Minimally invasive procedure — meaning less pain, minimal scarring, and a quicker recovery time
  • Preservation of sinus tissue — minimal disruption to the surrounding tissue, keeping the structure intact
  • Quick recovery time — experience immediate relief from sinus symptoms and resume normal activities within a day or two

Who is a candidate for balloon sinusplasty?

Balloon sinuplasty is ideal for people suffering from chronic sinusitis, recurring sinus infections, or sinus-related symptoms who haven’t responded to other medical treatments. If you experience facial pain, congestion, headaches, or difficulty breathing through your nose, you may be a candidate for this procedure.

Don’t let chronic sinus problems control your life. Let our experienced ear, nose, and throat (ENT) specialists assess your condition and determine the most suitable treatment plan for your needs. To explore all your treatment options, call us directly at 504.934.8550 or schedule an appointment online.

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