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Colorectal Cancer Care

Did you know colorectal cancer is one of the most commonly diagnosed cancers in the country? Ranking third for both men and women, this cancer begins with the growth of polyps within the wall of the colon. Some are benign, but other polyps can become cancerous. Left unchecked, the cancer cells can multiply and spread to other parts of the body.

Screenings and treatment

Screenings are an important way to detect and prevent colorectal cancer. All adults at average risk age 45 and older should have a colonoscopy every five to 10 years, depending on the results of the test. African Americans and people with certain inherited conditions may need to begin screening earlier or have colonoscopies more frequently.

Detected early enough, colorectal cancer can be removed with surgery. We offer treatment plans that can prevent a person from requiring an ostomy (an opening created in the abdomen to expel waste) post-surgery. In cases where avoiding an ostomy isn’t possible, our patient care nurses are here to assist you as you get used to the equipment.

How our team can help

Our cancer care team works together to help you get the care and attention you need. Our team includes:

  • Medical oncologists
  • Radiation oncologists
  • Pathologists
  • Diagnostic and interventional radiologists
  • Cancer patient navigators

Make an appointment. A referral is required to schedule a colonoscopy. Contact your primary care provider to make an appointment. Don’t have a doctor? View our primary care locations. On your colonoscopy appointment day, please arrive at least 45 minutes before your scheduled time.

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